PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group is committed to creating an ethical workplace environment. Reducing the risks of bribery and corruption has always been at the forefront of KFTD‘s mission to uphold work ethics. Creating a dedicated reporting system encourages employees to report corruption-related misconduct. It emphasizes the active roles of all departments, employees, and leaders in combating bribery and corruption.

Dedicated Reporting Channel through UPG

KFTD’s bribery reporting channel is set up using a special unit called UPG. Short for Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (Gratification Controlling Unit), this unit is dedicated to handling reports about bribery and corruption.

UPG opens its door to whistleblowers of all levels to report any suspicions or instances of bribery and corruption. The unit ensures anonymity and quick response by providing both direct and online reporting methods. Whistleblowers can download a special reporting form to print or send as an email attachment to [email protected], complete with their documented proofs.

Once the report and proof are sent, UPG will respond immediately. The team will conduct extensive research, investigation, cross-examination, and interview as necessary. The process is quick, with guaranteed anonymity, encouraging other employees to do the same when they witness misconduct.

KFTD’s Integrity and Maintaining Trust

The dedicated bribery reporting system is a way for KFTD to maintain the trust of the public and stakeholders. By creating a system that supports internal supervision and whistleblowing, the company implements the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). This, in turn, creates a healthier corporate environment.

This bribery reporting system is open to employees and leaders from all departments. KFTD ensures the system reaches important company departments such as Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Logistics, and even IT. Every report is treated as equal, regardless of the recipients and the people reported.

KFTD upholds transparency and integrity by setting up an environment free of corruption and bribery. Through a dedicated reporting system that encourages internal auditing and supervision, KFTD makes sure that everyone in the company is involved in maintaining a clean, transparent work environment.

By Stuart